Esther's Heart

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It is my great joy to be God's daughter, Bill's wife, the mother and grandmother to the amazing biological and spiritual children God has given us! It has also been my pleasure to be instrumental in developing our House of Prayer at our Life Christian Center Church. We know it lays and establishes God's foundation for all our beloved family, locally, nationally and internationally!
My heart is thrilled for every individual who discovers they are "Loved Perfectly" by God. I have watched time after time, how this discovery impacts each person in a revolutionary way. They go from fainting to flourishing, from affliction to health and well-being of their entire spirit, soul and body. As God's loving influence becomes an integral part of their life experience, they grow into their identity and destiny. They become the definitive design of success He has prepared for them. It is a joyous thing for me to see people find their God-given path to thriving! Encountering God's love is what brings this to pass.